NOTE: This is something I wrote for my team at BT, I’m not sure how generally readable they will be for others

Fortunately and unfortunately there are multiple ways of doing the same thing in Scala. When it comes to “abstractions” unfortunately this can lead to us as developers reaching for whatever is convenient at the time, rather than perhaps what might be more correct and less error prone.

Firstly, there are really two very distinct ways of defining an abstraction, each with different properties and trade-offs. They are very distinct even if they are implemented in Scala language features that appear similar.

Closed Types

A closed type is an abstraction where all different cases are known and cannot be extended outside of a given file/module. This makes it cheap to add new functions dealing with the type, all you need to do is pattern match anywhere you like, but it’s very expensive to add new constructors (see Expression Problem below for more reading).

This concept can be expressed in Scala by using the sealed trait language feature. The implementation is sometimes referred to as using “sum types” from algebraic data-types (or ADTs).

Suggestion: Put constructors inside of the companion object for more convenient namespace scoping

sealed trait Category

object Category {

  case object Nominal extends Category
  case class Hostname(entropy: Int) extends Category

Suggestion: Create constructor functions with the real “type”

Unfortunately the subtyping language feature in Scala can causes a great deal of pain/problems when mixing these constructors. Especially with data types that aren’t covariant (ie don’t have use a +). For example:

import scalaz._

type X[B] = \/[Category, B]
val value = for {
  _ <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[X](Category.Nominal.left[Unit])
  _ <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[X](Category.Hostname(1).left[Unit])
} yield ()
Error:(18, 9) type mismatch;
 found   : scalaz.EitherT[X,Category.Nominal.type,Unit]
 required: scalaz.EitherT[X,Category.Hostname.type,?]
      _ <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[X](Hostname(1).left[Unit])

The problem is that constructors have their own “type”. When using invariant data structures, such as scalaz’s EitherT type above, the “real” parent type will not be inferred by Scala. Scala needs a helping hand to bypass the default subtyping behaviour.

object Category {

  def nominal: Category = Nominal
  def hostname(entropy: Int): Category = Hostname(entropy)

Yes, it’s annoying having to write boilerplate, but it becomes essential to avoid dealing with subtyping and confusing compiler errors. The final working example:

sealed trait Category

object Category {

  case object Nominal extends Category
  case class Hostname(entropy: Int) extends Category

  def nominal: Category =
  def hostname(entropy: Int): Category =

val value = for {
  _ <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[X](Category.nominal.left[Unit])
  _ <- EitherT.fromDisjunction[X](Category.hostname(1).left[Unit])
} yield ()

Rule: Always pattern match on every constructor

It’s important that when using closed types that you ensure future safety by pattern matching on every constructor. The compiler is your friend and can help you or the next person adding or changing constructors handle the new behaviour. Once you use a wildcard (underscore) pattern match, all bets are off and you won’t get any warning that behaviour might need to change or be extended.

def isNominal(c: Category) =
  c match {
    case Nominal => true
    // Please don't do this, even if you think you won't ever care about new constructors, you just never know (and sadly you won't)
    case _ => false

Visitor Pattern

It’s unfortunate that most OO languages actually make this very powerful abstraction very cumbersome to represent. On the flip side creating open types via interfaces is bread-and-butter. To represent closed-types in OO one common (but verbose) approach is the visitor pattern, which you can think of as representing each constructor as a visitor method. This approach is not helped that by default each visitor function return void, so consumers have to use mutation to track things.

trait CategoryVisitor {

  def visitNominal: Unit
  def visitHostname(f: Int => Unit): Unit

There’s no reason the visitor pattern couldn’t be done like this:

trait CategoryVisitor[A] {

  def visitNominal: A
  def visitHostname(f: Int => A): A

This could be expressed more concisely as a single function with values/functions for each constructor/visit:

trait Category {

  def visit[A](nominal: => A, hostname: Int => A): A

And if you squint this looks a lot like foldRight for List, which is because it is! The visitor pattern is really just a verbose/clumsy way of doing a fold. Which is just another way of pattern matching on each constructor of a given ADT. They’re all the same thing!

Open Types

An open type is just something where consumers anywhere can create their own instance anywhere, anytime. This makes it cheap to add new instances of the type, just create a new instantiation and implement the required interface, but it’s very expensive to add new functions (see Expression Problem below for more reading).

trait UserService {

  def get(id: UserId): Option[User]

class HadoopUserService extends UserService {

Unfortunately in traditional OO codebases it’s very common to peek at what specific instance (ie using isInstanceOf and asInstanceOf). This leads to code bases that become more and more unmaintainable as various consumers start to put bespoke logic for specific implementations of your abstraction, but that information is not captured at the type-system level.

In short you’ve broken the “abstraction”. The interface you originally specified wasn’t enough.

Rule: Never check or cast the instance of an open type

The flip side of that behaviour is adding more and more functions/behaviours to an abstraction. Here is an example:

trait UserService {

  def get(id: UserId): Option[User]

  def getByIds(ids: List[UserId]): Map[Id, UserId]

We should try very hard to distinguish what is core functionality versus what can be derived. In the example above we really have two ways of doing the same thing, but now each implementation needs to re-implement the same logic, which can lead to bugs. It also increases the surface of the abstraction/type which is harder to reason about. It really isn’t that hard to derive functions based on the original one:

trait UserService {

  def getByIds(ids: List[UserId]): Map[Id, UserId]

object UserService {

  def get(service: MyService, id: UserId): Option[User] =

In the example above there are actually two ways of “deriving” the extra function. The more common way is to add an implementation function to the interface. This is certainly convenient, but can lead to a very bloated interface in a single file/module. It’s also impossible to sneakily “override” them if they’re not marked as final. Having the functions live on the object make it clear that they’re derived, and can easily be moved to other modules, or implemented in different ways. It forces you to think clearly about the real “abstraction” and what it really provides vs what you can do with it.

Case Class (Alternative Encoding)

Note that using the trait Scala language feature to implement an open type is identical in concept to using a case class with function fields.

case class UserService( getByIds: List[UserId] => Map[Id, UserId])

object UserService {

  def hadoopUserService: UserService = UserService(...)

In some ways this is actually a “safer” way to encode the abstraction versus using inheritance. This way there is literally no way to cast of check the hadoopUserService implementation, you can only call the functions as given.

Choosing between the two approaches is really just a matter of taste, assuming the important rules above are adhered to. Purely from a low-level, raw-performance perspective using trait is a better approach as it takes advantage of JVM optimisations around classes. This should only be relevant for hot code paths and should only be refactored in conjunction with responsible performance testing. Don’t guess!


An additional bonus of this approach is that you can “mock” functions based on other behaviour. In the traditional OO approach mocking requires a complex set of runtime/reflection hacks. If the functions are just data you can manipulate them in difference ways.

def mockUserService: UserService =
  hadoopUserService.copy(getByIds = _ => Map())

I don’t suggest people actually use mocking like this, but it’s an interesting benefit of not using the Scala OO language features.

Further Reading

Expression Problem

The relationship between these two approaches has been described as the “expression problem”. The unfortunate thing about using the term “problem” is that people then look for a “solution” and then claim to have found one. It should probably be called the “expression tradeoff” but it’s not as catchy.

Variance Woes

It’s hard to point to a single explanation exactly to what problems variance causes in Scala. I’ll try to add the best links I can find to the following list.