Life After Spark
NOTE: This is something I wrote for my team at BT, it was aimed at a specific audience and I didn’t spend the time to re-orient my arguments to suit a more general audience
I would like to mention up-front, that my intension is not to claim that this approach is strictly better than Spark or vice-versa. I think we always need to make these choices in context, and understand the tradeoffs. I’m hoping by showing a completely different alternative some of those tradeoffs become more obvious and in the future it might help make a different decision to Spark if, or when, appropriate.
Hadoop Journey
Originally at Ambiata we had some tools that were built on raw Hadoop map/reduce. Similar to Spark, Hadoop gave us the ability to utilise AWS EMR and rapidly prototype our ideas and serve our customers. At the time Spark was still fairly new and unproven.
Our Hadoop journey was quite likely very similar to many other companies running Hadoop in AWS.
Single cluster per customer. Canonical data stored on the cluster. Realised
the precariousness of storing the data on a single Hadoop cluster and decided
to backup data on S3. Started to introduce some jobs that weren’t
Hadoop-based, and instead could be S3 → S3. Noticed we could use transient
Hadoop clusters plus distcp
to turn those jobs in to S3 → S3 as well.
Around this time we ran in to two major problems that made us re-think our use of Hadoop entirely.
As demand and size of the data grew the cost of EMR started to become significant. That is we had to pay AWS extra money for the convenience of using EMR (vs say running our own manually configured Hadoop cluster). We referred to it as the “EMR tax”.
At this point we considered deploying our own Hadoop clusters to save some of money, but that would have likely been a significant amount of work and we would still be writing/running Hadoop jobs which wasn’t our idea of fun.
JVM Only
Separately we had also written a tool in Haskell/C for doing fast generation of features, which we wanted to start to use against our existing data. How would we run that within our Hadoop job? It can be done, but it’s not ideal…
S3 + Unix + Orchestration
At some point we wondered whether we could only use S3 instead of a cluster-backed filesystem, and run unix jobs on elastic EC2 instances from an SQS queue. We ended up implementing the queue part ourselves, but in my final days at Ambiata I switched from that system to AWS Batch. It demonstrated running these unix jobs could be orchestrated in different ways without having to change a single line of the actual super-important, well tested, hand optimised data-processing code, just the “driver” glue code.
AWS Batch
I think AWS Batch is one of the most under-appreciated services from Amazon.
AWS Batch is relatively simple (which is one of the reasons I like it). It has three main components (direct copy+paste):
A job definition specifies how jobs are to be run—for example, which Docker image to use for your job, how many vCPUs and how much memory is required, the IAM role to be used, and more.
Jobs are submitted to job queues where they reside until they can be scheduled to run on Amazon EC2 instances within a compute environment. An AWS account can have multiple job queues, each with varying priority. This gives you the ability to closely align the consumption of compute resources with your organisational requirements.
Compute environments provision and manage your EC2 instances and other compute resources that are used to run your AWS Batch jobs. Job queues are mapped to one more compute environments and a given environment can also be mapped to one or more job queues. This many-to-many relationship is defined by the compute environment order and job queue priority properties.
At this point you write some launch jobs (pseudo code). Think of this like the driver for Spark. It may well inspect the size/metadata of the data on S3 to configure the parameters of some of the jobs. For one job we even implemented our own data repartitioning with some simple bin packing without too much trouble.
val jobTransform = AWS.Batch.submitJob("docker.prd.ace/centos_6:latest", "data_queue", array_size = 50,
" --input s3://data/frontdoor --output s3://data/input")
val jobScore = AWS.Batch.submitJob("docker.prd.ace/python_ml:latest", "ml_queue", array_size = 100, parent = jobTransform,
" --input s3://data/input --output s3://data/score")
// Actually technically you might not want to publish like this, it should be run on a cron job instead, but just as an example
AWS.Batch.submitJob("docker.prd.ace/publish_scores:latest", "data_queue", array_size = 10, parent = jobScore,
" --input s3://data/score")
AWS.Batch.submitJob("docker.prd.ace/python3:latest", "data_queue", array_size = 1, parent = jobScore,
" --input s3://data/score")
And our tools might be anything from a simple shell script, to a full Scala program (or both). Here is just one simple “transformation” code using a shell script composing the aws cli with awk. Note that for “array” jobs you (only) get passed a single index offset.
aws s3 cp "$1/${AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX}.csv" input.csv
awk -F ',' '{ print $1","$3 }' input.csv > output.csv
aws s3 cp output.csv "$2/${AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX}.csv"
You might then want to call a Python program for running the actual scoring, or Spark, and after that process them with yet-another, separate Unix program.
Known Limitations
In my brief time using AWS Batch I ran in to some noteworthy limitations that I don’t see how you could avoid/ignore if you use the service in anger.
Transient Metadata
Unfortunately AWS have made the decision to cleanup metadata for jobs that run for around roughly 24 hours or so. This means that to build a production system on top of AWS Batch you almost certainly need to store your own metadata for each job that ran.
Job Retry Only
Each job that runs in AWS Batch can be configured to retry X times on failure. This is great. But unfortunately once one job has failed due to a real problem, the entire pipeline (eventually) fails. If you are able to “fix” what caused that failure (ie one missing file), your only choice would be to retry the entire pipeline. I hacked around this by running with a unique PIPELINE_RUN_ID, and marking jobs as successful against that (with an S3 file). Each job would check that flag and exit immediately, so that the pipeline could get back to where it failed relatively quickly. It’s not ideal.
Elastic Cost
We saw significant savings running jobs on an elastic set of resources, rather than having to bring up a full EMR cluster each time.
See the final links at the bottom of this post, but Zendesk are using AWS Batch quite successfully:
It was revealed by our load tests that we spent on average $3 building 1000 ML models on AWS Batch
(Re)Test in Isolation
What happens if you have an error, or worse some performance/skew problem in production? In Spark you have to orchestrate your cluster with various JMX tools just to get an idea of what might be the problem. In this brave new Unix world you are able to launch a new instance of the docker image and re-run the exact command, on the exact instance type, on the exact file in S3 that breaks, and observe the same behaviour in isolation. No need to re-run an entire job with debugging, or copy+paste partial code from your spark application in to a shell session to re-create the state where it fails.
Heterogeneous Computations
The ability to write various parts of the pipeline in different languages is surprisingly liberating and powerful; calling an open source Python library here, and a custom Haskell application there, all glued together with the magic of Shell if necessary.
No Spark Reuse
Spark does give you many nice functions to do powerful transformation over large data without much code. Most of that is not partially re-usable in this new world, Spark is everything-or-nothing. That said, there’s nothing stopping you running Spark locally on each of the batch machines, although it would not be anywhere as efficient as running a single instance of Spark on EMR.
You Mean I Have to Think About This Stuff?!?
In Spark it’s trivial to chain multiple map/filters over a data source and distribute the computation. Under the covers Spark does all sort of magic to capture the map/filter computation, send it to executors along with the appropriate data, run that code, and send the data back. In AWS Batch the lines between the driver and the map/filter code are different programs, and the data has to be serialised in some format on S3. For both of these steps you have to be very deliberate.
Why Not Both?
This is actually what we had at Ambiata. Part of our pipeline remained in Hadoop for the entire time, and the newer ones were something else. It looks something (like) the following. This configuration would ideally reconfigure Cloudwatch Events, Step Functions, or whatever distributed (and ideally HA) schedule service you were using. I just made up this configuration format, but we had something very similar written in a Haskell DSL.
schedule: '0 10 * * *'
# We need a temporary EMR cluster to run our job against
type: 'm1.4xlarge'
instances: 10
definition: docker.prd.ace/centos6:latest
queue: data
command: ' --input s3://data/frontdoor --output s3://data/input'
schedule: '0 13 * * *'
definition: docker.prd.ace/java8:latest
queue: data
# Might run the pseudo code we saw above
command: 'java -cp score_driver.jar --input s3://data/input --output s3://data/scores'
schedule: '0 11 * * 1-5'
definition: docker.prd.ace/centos6:latest
queue: data
command: ' --input s3://data/scores'
For some types of jobs we want to keep using EMR and run our Spark jobs. In others we might want to run jobs in our compute environment, which in turn might start/run other batch jobs.
Simple Made Easy
One of my favourite talks is from the Clojure author Rich Hickey. Rich makes the argument that “simple” is not the same “easy”. Easy is something that “lies near”, and is relative to our skills/compatibility. Simple is objectively about how many things are bound together. I like to think of being simple akin to the unix philosophy of “do one thing and do it well”
By this definition I would argue Spark is “easy”. It’s incredibly easy to write a few lines of Scala code that might process your entire data pipeline. But what happens when you want to do something outside of the current capabilities of Spark (ie hive bucketing at Facebook? By Rich’s definition Spark is also complex because it “complects” (Rich’s new word) orchestrating distributed computations (something that is really, really hard) with the computation itself, all wrapped up in a single Scala application. AWS Batch is nowhere near as easy, but is arguably quite simple due to having few moving parts (basically Docker definitions + job queues + ECS) but which can build complex data pipelines to suit any requirements, and is arguably cheaper and easier to operate at scale.
As developers I think we to often overvalue how “easy” something is. How easy it is to get something working. But by being easy that doesn’t mean something is simple (and vice-versa), and in fact often things that are simple are almost always not easy to start with because they have more, smaller parts/components. But over time that simplicity lets us build more complicated systems by building on simple things, which can be built from other simple things etc. That initial cost can be amortised by not having to redo something again slightly differently every single time.
Success Stories
Many of the explanations here mirror my own experience with AWS Batch, and this kind of approach in general.
- NextRoll
- Zendesk
- YOW! Data 2019 - Dana Ma - Building Rome Every Day - Scaling ML Model Building Infrastructure (youtube)